Gulf State Park


To apply for any of the positions listed below, please contact Nicole Cabarrubia, Gulf State Park Executive Assistant, at (251) 948 - 7275 ext. 62003 or email


All positions require a completed Gulf State Park Employment Application along with any documents that may be specific for that position: Gulf State Park Employment Application


We are hiring for the following positions:

Security Officer

Campground Front Desk Clerk

Maintenance Technician

Nature Center Staff

Grounds Crew Maintenance

Pier Maintenance


We are hiring for the following management positions:

This is a merit position, meaning a salaried position with the option to receive retirement, low-cost health insurance and paid time off.


Salaried or merit positions are filled by selecting an employee from an employment register established by the Alabama State Personnel Department. 


How to get onto an employment register:

1. Go to the Alabama State Personnel Department

2. Create an OES Log In

3. Once the account is created, log in and choose “Manage Account”. Fill out each section with the information you would like to use for an application. Remember to hit save. This portal can be updated at any time but does NOT automatically put you on a register.

4. To apply for a job, log in to you OES Portal and click “Apply for Jobs.” Enter the job title or class code. Then, click “Apply Online” or “Apply Paper” as allowed by the portal.


Remember to send in required documentation per guidelines by the State of Alabama Personnel Department.