Shark Week!
Are you ready for Shark Week 2022 at the Gulf State Park Pier?! There will awesome activities for every age all week long!
- When: July 11th - 15th
- Time: 10 AM to 2 PM each day
- Where: Gulf State Park Pier
Daily wristbands are $3/person (includes Pier sightseeing fee)
We'll have our partners from the Marine Fisheries Ecology Program at Mississippi State University with us all week proving amazing education! The MSU team will have all kinds of shark specimens and artifacts on display as well for you to learn about. Plus, they'll be performing dissections daily!
Marine Resources Division of ADCNR will be at Shark Week as well with their touch tank full of rays!
Visitors will also be able to make crafts, take a selfie at our shark-themed photo op, and more!
Below is a detailed schedule of events!
For more information on the daily programs offered by MSU, read the program descriptions below:
Monday: Know Your Elasmobranchs: Shark and Ray Species Identification
During each of these sessions, you will view shark and ray species profiles along with real, preserved specimens and jaws to learn tips and tricks for differentiating the dozens of shark and ray species that inhabit the Gulf of Mexico. After that, don’t miss a chance to check out our specimen and jaw collections and take photos with your favorites!
Tuesday: Biology of Sharks and Rays
During each of these sessions, we will discuss some unique biological features of sharks and rays, including skin and senses, internal organs, and reproduction. If this session captures your interest, consider attending our daily dissections at 11 AM on Wednesday and Friday and 12 PM today and on Thursday for an up-close perspective on shark and ray anatomy and physiology!
Wednesday: Predators and Prey: How Sharks Hunt
During each of these sessions, you will learn what various sharks and rays eat, as well as the ways their bodies (including their teeth) are adapted to help them catch and consume their favorite prey. We will also reveal some surprising discoveries about the diet of tiger sharks from our own research here in the Gulf of Mexico!
Thursday: Shark Research
During each of these sessions, we will introduce you to our scientific “bottom longline” survey and share some shark tagging videos and shark tracks! You will also learn all about remotely operated vehicles. For the young scientists in the audience, we will round out the session with a feature on careers in marine biology and fisheries by Dr. Marcus Drymon, Assistant Extension Professor at Mississippi State University.
Friday: Sharks and Humans
During each of these sessions, we will discuss the complicated history between sharks and humans. We will talk about past events that prompted a widespread fear of sharks, the pioneering shark scientists whose work defined the field of shark research, and the eventual rise of shark conservation that will lead to a better future for these important apex predators.