Severe Weather Procedures

Severe Weather Safety Tips For Campers And Cabin Guests:
Tornadoes, Lightning, High Winds, Floods
1. Stay Weather Aware and Alert
2. Plan a way to receive Weather Warnings, Know where you are (City/County/etc.)
3. Know what precautions to take and how to Respond to the Threat
4. Don’t take Chances, Stay Safe!
Getting Warnings and Forecasts while Staying at Oak Mountain State Park: NOAA Weather Radio: For wireless devices:
Local TV Stations: ABC 33/40, CBS News 42, NBC 13, Fox 6 News
Oak Mountain State Park also has an Emergency Text System in place. To Register: **TEXT: OMSP TO: 888777**
Lightning: *The Most Common Threat*
Safety Tips for Lightning: Get indoors. Do not stand near tall trees or metal objects. If you are kayaking or canoeing on the lakes or swimming at the campground Beach head for shore Immediately. Wait the storm out inside your camper or campground bathhouse or cabin for our cabin guests.
High Wind Threats: Hazards- Flying Debris, Falling Trees
Safety Tips for High Wind Speeds: Leave tents, cars and campers and get inside a sturdy shelter. There are 7 bathhouses in the campground that will provide shelter. If you cannot make it to a bathhouse, seek a sheltered area away from trees if possible. (Cars are better than nothing but remain aware of neighboring trees.) For our cabin guests, we suggest staying inside your cabin, or seeking shelter inside the Tranquility Room close to cabin 1.
Tornado: Hazards- Flying Debris, collapsing buildings
Safety Tips for High Wind Speeds: Leave tents, cars and campers and get inside a sturdy shelter. There are 7 bathhouses in the campground that will provide shelter. Avoid sheltering in cars or campers, they can go airborne in strong tornadoes. If you cannot make it to a bathhouse and if caught outside, find a ditch or culvert and protect your head and torso. Being outside in the campground during a Tornado Warning or Watch should be avoided. If you cannot make it to a bathhouse and are caught in your camper, lay low and find an interior space away from windows and protect your head and torso. Our cabin guests may seek shelter inside of the Tranquility Room close to cabin 1.
Flash Flood: Hazards- Impassable Roads, Flooded Roads, Water Damaged Roads
Safety Tips for Flash Floods: Never attempt to cross a flooded road. Avoid low ground and areas subject to flooding. Just a few inches of water can be dangerous