Cheaha State Park

Interpretive Center

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Interpretive Center at Lake Cheaha


Something new from something old! Cheaha State Park upcycled the historic CCC Lake House into an Interpretive Center. The 88-year-old doors reopened with a new purpose on Saturday, March 13, 2021. This unique facility houses a nature center, environmental literacy corner, exhibits, and a classroom. The Cheaha State Park interpretive team will be delighted to help you connect with nature through environmental education, cultural heritage, science, and arts. Learn about plants, animals, geology, and the history of Cheaha. Play your way through the interpretive exhibits and activities.


Field trip opportunities for classes and groups. 


Interpretive Center Hours (March - November)

Thursday: 10:00 AM-5:00 PM

Friday: 10:00 AM-5:00 PM

Saturday: 10:00 AM-5:00 PM

Sunday: 10:00 AM-5:00 PM

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: Closed

Wednesday: Closed

Interpretive Center Hours (December-February)

The Interpretive Center will close the months of December through February for winterizing.  The Interpretive staff will be located in the Mountain Store during this time with a smaller educational display Thursday-Sunday 10am-5pm.


Other days by appointment only. Email the Park Naturalist to request an appointment

Hours may change due to inclement weather or other emergency issues.

Free with paid admission into Cheaha State Park and to overnight guests.


Be sure to visit Cheaha State Park’s other educational facilities and trails:

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Museum(located in the Observation Tower)

Walt Farr Native American Relic Museum (located next to the Mountain Store)

Bald Rock Accessible Trail (open 7 am – sunset daily)   

Heritage Trail (open 7 am – sunset daily) 

Leave No Trace Bigfoot Challenge Trail (open 7 am – sunset daily)    

Enchanted Garden (located near the main gate; open 7 am – sunset daily)  


For more information contact