Oak Mountain State Park

The Great Backyard Bird Count

Event Dates:
February 14, 2020, 10:00 am
February 14, 2020, 11:30 am

The Great Backyard Bird Count


Be a citizen scientist and join the Great Backyard Bird Count 2020!

Meet the Alabama Wildlife Center's Education Team at the Alabama Wildlife Center at 10 am for a quick introduction and overview of bird count details. You will then count as many birds as you can in the observation room at the feeders for an hour! Data will be used by scientists to better understand and help our avian friends! Meet a raptor up close and ask the bird experts any bird questions you may have!

Stroller and wheelchair accessible! No dogs please.

Great for all ages!

Suggestions for this event:

- binoculars

- camera

- field guides

Gate fees apply:

$5 ages 12+

$2 ages 4-11

$2 ages 62+

Free ages 3- and veterans

**Donations are encouraged to AWC to help support their efforts in avian rehabilitation and education