Fairy Houses in the Forest

Explore the magical world of fairy houses at OMSP! Build your own fairy house with park interpreters in the Enchanted Garden!
We encourage you to bring materials from your home/yard for your Fairy House "enhancements." The list below details approved building materials!
Approved "Building" Materials:
- Fresh flowers
- Dried Flowers
- Pine cones of assorted sizes and shapes
- Lichens and lichen covered sticks
- Sticks of assorted sizes and shapes
- Tree bark (some of you may have river birch trees or a fallen log where you can collect)
- Acorns and acorn caps
- Natural clay
- Small stones
- Seashells
- Moss (either harvested off private property or purchased at Hobby Lobby)
- Any other little natural items you find that you would like to include in your Fairy House!
Please NO glitter or plastic - fairies are allergic to these things (and a sneeze can crumple fairy wings!)
Contact Email: Lauren.Muncher@dcnr.alabama.gov
Contact Phone: (205) 620-2520
Meeting Place: Oak Mountain Interpretive Center
Free with paid park admission into Oak Mountain State Park.