2022 Focus on Nature: Photography Weekend

2022 Focus on Nature: Photography Weekend
A weekend full of photography fun begins at Joe Wheeler State Park January 28th - 30th! The Focus on Nature weekend event will be a fun time for all you photography lovers. From fun photography field trips to Wheeler Refuge, Wheeler Dam, and inside Joe Wheeler State Park to interesting photography workshops for all levels, there's no telling what you may capture while you are here!
Package Plans:
1.) Focus on Nature Weekend Package: Room for 1 or 2, Friday night social, Saturday breakfast buffet, Saturday photography workshop, Saturday fieldtrip, Saturday dinner, and late checkout on Sunday (2:00pm).
- $180.56 for 1 person - standard room
- $249.00 for 2 person - standard room
- Junior Suites and Suites also available; call the lodge to check on package prices: (256) 247-5461 EXT 1
2.) Saturday Day Pass ($50): Breakfast buffet, photography workshop, photography fieldtrip, & dinner
Weekend Schedule:
The Friday night social will begin at 6:00 pm in the Willow & Cedar Rooms (2nd Floor of the Lodge). It will include a cash bar and a variety of hors d'oeuvres.
Breakfast: 7:00am - 9:00am
Photography Workshops (beginner & advanced level classes): 9:00am - 10:30am
*Lunch Break on own*
Photography Field Trips: 1:00pm - 5:00pm (3 to choose from: Wheeler Refuge, Wheeler Dam, inside Joe Wheeler Park)
Dinner: 7:00pm with guest speakers (Rocky Baker - photographer & Matt Whitfield - falconer)
Late checkout (2:00pm)
Wheeler Lake Scenic Cruises (Optional)