During this time of social distancing, our goal at Alabama State Parks is to continue providing you and your families with fun, educational, and inspiring programs! We may not be able to gather together in groups, but we will be using technology to bring the fun to you and present creative things you can do outdoors!
Please visit the individual Facebook pages at five parks - Oak Mountain, Lake Guntersville, Gulf, DeSoto and Cheaha to enjoy these virtual programs.
For all those nature lovers who are unable to visit one of the beautiful Alabama State Parks due to the COVID-19 precautionary measures, the State Park Naturalists will bring the parks to you via modern technology.
During the effort to prevent the spread of the virus, the Alabama State Parks Naturalists want to help alleviate stress and anxiety and add some fun to those that may not be able to visit one of our 21 Alabama State Parks.
State Parks Naturalists will host Virtual Naturalist programming via our Facebook pages at five parks - Oak Mountain, Lake Guntersville, Gulf, DeSoto and Cheaha.
These virtual programs will be an assortment of Live Facebook videos, short videos, photos, park stories, pictures, and maybe a challenge or two. Go to the Facebook pages for the five individual parks and look for the State Parks Naturalists’ content.
Check out these Virtual Naturalists Videos:
Alabama Beach Mouse at Gulf State Park
Bald Rock Board walk at Cheaha State Park
Bunker Observation Tower Tour Observation at Cheaha State Park
Backyard Wildlife with the Cheaha State Park Interpretive Team
Sherlock the Owl at Gulf State Park
Turtle Release at Gulf State Park
Venomous Snakes Found at Gulf State Park
Creating a nature journal: Cheaha State Park
Nature Minute on Laurel Creek: DeSoto State Park
Sandstone Glade Scene: DeSoto State Park
Gulf State Park - Pitcher Plant Bog
Oak Mountain State Park: CCC Pavilion
Oak Mountain State Park: Longleaf Pines
Oak Mountain State Park: Eastern Bluebirds
Oak Mountain State Park: DIY Tree Ring Printing
Cathedral Caverns State Park: Cave Tour
Lake Guntersville State Park: Hike of Butler's Pass
Lake Guntersville State Park: Hike of Seale's Trail
DeSoto State Park Nature Moment: Lost Falls
DeSoto State Park Nature Moment: Laurel Falls
Cathedral Caverns State Park: Cave Tour Part II
Gulf State Park: The Power of Fire
Gulf State Park: Kayak Lake Shelby
Gulf State Park: Earth Day 2020
Gulf State Park: Earth Day Art
Rickwood Caverns State Park: Cave Tour
DeSoto State Park: West Fork of Little River
DeSoto State Park: Bluff Trail Waterfall
DeSoto State Park: Mountain Biking Gilliam Loop
DeSoto State Park: Plant Guide
DeSoto State Park: Scout Trail
Cathedral Caverns State Park: Cave Tour Part III
DeSoto State Park: Plants along the Red Trail
DeSoto State Park: Rhododendron
West Fork of Little River Part II: DeSoto State Park
Drone Flight at DeSoto Falls: DeSoto State Park
Check out this Virtual Naturalist E-Newsletter from DeSoto State Park
DeSoto State Park Virtual Naturalist E-Newsletter Volume II
The State Parks Naturalists have also created a survey link to determine what type of content best suits the viewers. Go to https://alabamadnr.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_9BRdZYm3kzGvBzf to participate in the survey.
Of course, if you have one of Alabama’s wonderful State Parks nearby, we encourage visitors to take part in the many self-guided activities that provide social distancing, including camping, fishing, hiking, birding, biking and more.
Please visit alapark.com for more information on the opportunities to explore our natural wonders as well as the precautions taken by Alabama State Parks to minimize the exposure for park visitors.