ORV Trail
Discover some of Alabama’s most beautiful and rugged terrain on the new ORV trail at Buck’s Pocket State Park. The ORV trail was designed to be a slow ride through beech/hardwood forest, paralleling South Sauty Creek. The trail passes through the creek side primitive campsite area, across Morgan’s Cove lake access area and continues another 2.3 miles. The trail is conveniently located with access to the newly renovated campground. Along the 6.3 mile ORV trail, there are many opportunities for scenic views to see some of Northeast Alabama’s unique flora and fauna. In addition, there are a few locations to picnic and fish. ORV’s must utilize the campground/park office area only to register and access the trail.

Day Use Access $10.00 per ORV operator. Campers must pay $5 per ORV vehicle per stay.
*Annual Pass $100.00
*Family Pass $150.00
*$35.00 applied to our Dirt Pass Trail Crew program. This money goes directly to fund this new program that includes: organized trail work days, a full-time trail crew, professional trail support to volunteer groups, surveying the needs of trail users, new trail building equipment and overall trail improvement.
Click here for the PDF version of the Trails Map
Buck’s Pocket ORV Trail Park Rules and Regulations
- Trail riding may be dangerous, riders must assume the risks and ride within their limits.
- Helmets required for all users of ORV vehicles on designated trails. Helmets optional but recommended for side-by-side ORV vehicles with canopies. Seat belts required where applicable.
- Driving any vehicle carelessly and heedlessly disregarding the rights or safety of others, or without due caution and at a speed, or in a manner so as to endanger or be likely to endanger any person or property shall be unlawful (220-5-.04 Operation of Vehicles).
- Operating an ORV vehicle without a valid motor vehicle tag in Alabama State Parks is permitted only on designated ORV trails/roads. Unlicensed vehicles not allowed on County, State or Federal Highways (220-5-.04 Operation of Vehicles).
ORV vehicles 83 inches in width and smaller are permitted on the designated ORV trails. No Jeeps, Trucks, Cars allowed on any trails. (220-5-.04 Operation of Vehicles).
Alcohol is prohibited on any and all of the trails.
- No doubling on ORV’s not designed for doubling. Must follow the manufacturer’s operator/passenger guidelines.
- All ORV's must stay on designated ORV trails. (220-5-.04 Operation of Vehicles).
- Exhaust sound level should be in such a manner as to not create excessive or unusual noise or annoying smoke (220-5-.04 Operation of Vehicles).
- It shall be unlawful to leave unattended at any state park any person under the age of fourteen (14). For the purpose of this paragraph, “unattended” shall mean without direct adult supervision (220-5-.01 Use of Facilities).
- ORV Trails, except Backcountry Campground Road, closed at sunset.
- Failure to maintain quiet in campground between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. shall be unlawful (220-5-.07 Conduct).
- Camping is permitted in designated area only (220-5-.01 Use of Facilities)
- All State Park Rules and Regulations apply.
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