Meaher State Park

Delta Woods & Waters Expo 2023

Event Dates:
April 29, 2023, 9:00 am
April 29, 2023, 4:00 pm

This is a partner event with the City of Spanish Fort taking place at the 5 Rivers Delta Resource Center.


Join us for the 13th Annual Delta Woods and Waters Expo, a free event sponsored by the City of Spanish Fort, in partnership with 5 Rivers Delta Resource Center, to celebrate the beauty and diversity of the Mobile-Tensaw Delta.


? Featuring a variety of informative presentations, exhibitions and

interactive displays by experienced outdoorsmen, professionals,

educators and enthusiasts, the Delta Woods & Waters Expo includes numerous fun and exciting hands-on demonstrations which allow attendees to learn and practice new skills with one-on-one instruction.


➡️ The mission of the Delta Woods & Waters Expo is to promote

responsible and enjoyable outdoor recreational experiences

through a fun and educational event.


For more information please visit:,

Email or call 251-626-4884.